Adoption UK Training

Adoption UK's highly regarded training programme aims to equip adopters and kinship carers at all stages of their parenting journey with the skills and understanding they need to parent their children. This leads to families being better prepared and in possession of valuable insight and strategies that really help with the tricky years ahead. Adoption UK also deliver a range of established and tailored training programmes to professionals in social care, education, health and other sectors. Their courses equip professionals with an insight into the effects of early childhood trauma, and the knowledge and the skills to enable a family to thrive. All training programmes are delivered by professional trainers, who first and foremost, are adoptive parents themselves, and therefore understand the challenges and rewards of parenting an adopted child.

Beacon House Training

Beacon House is passionate about disseminating information about trauma through their creative, beautifully crafted and inspiring online training courses. Their online training aims to equip parents/carers and professionals to understand and respond effectively to children and young people affected by trauma. Those attending Beacon House training say that the combination of lived experience, real-word demonstrations & examples, and simple explanations of complex ideas make the training personally powerful and professionally transformational.

Chrysalis Training

Chrysalis understand that every service has unique needs, and we specialise in working with teams to develop their own vision. Chrysalis provides bespoke training packages, supervision and consultation designed to empower your staff to work effectively with the emotional issues raised by children and their families. We also provide training to professionals on developmental trauma (this is free and can be accessed via our website), and to schools on sensory regulation and trauma. All of our training is accessible by Webinar and can be accessed via our website.

Gateway Psychology Training

Gateway Psychology provides psychology based training to parents, carers and professionals to assist them in understanding and making a difference in children’s lives. They recognise that theory and understanding are not enough on their own, so their training workshops make every effort to provide practical ideas for parenting and working with children and young people of various ages.

Integrate Families Training

Integrate Families training packages are available to professionals, teachers, therapists, social workers, parents, adopters, foster carers and kinship carers. Training can be tailored to the requirements of individuals as well as groups. The Integrate Families team are all trained in the latest interventions, and are committed to continually updating their own professional development and incorporating ground-breaking information into their services.

Coram IAC - Intercountry Adoption Centre Training Programmes for Professionals

CORAM IAC – Intercountry Adoption Centre offers a range of training programmes for professionals at the Barnet Training Centre throughout the year. They also offer bespoke training courses for adoption social workers, their managers and for adoption panel members, panel advisors and administrators.

PAC-UK Training

Every year PAC-UK offers a comprehensive training programme focusing on adoption and permanent placement specific topics. Some of these workshops and seminars are for professionals only, and some are specifically for parents and carers. Public seminars and conferences are open to all parties affected by adoption and permanency, including professionals.

Placement Support Training

Caring, and being cared for, happens in relationships and involves a continual process of attention and tuning-in. The Placement Support team work to develop and maintain a sense-making focus on this process that underpins all their training and practice. This is why their training uses the powerful interplay of two therapists in relationship to support those who care for children with complicated life experience. Placement Support offer a programme of 10 sessions working with groups of between 8-10 carers and key professionals, drawing directly on their day-to-day experience of looking after their children.

Psychology Associates Training

Psychology Associates can offer training, support and supervision in a range of settings covering work across the lifespan. With a wide range of HCPC registered clinical, neuropsychological, educational, forensic and counselling psychologists within their practice, they have an extensive knowledge base from which they can develop, deliver and evaluate high quality generic and bespoke training.

Simon Kerr Edwards Training

Simon offers clinical supervision in an individual or group setting and this process is very much led by what the supervisee needs and their own learning styles. He is currently developing training for Clinical Supervisors and is seeking to get this accredited. Get in touch If you'd like to find out more.

The Child Psychology Service Training

TCPS’s training packages are available to any professional group and foster carers and adopters. This has included; Teachers, Foster Carers, Residential Care Workers, Social Workers, Health Visitors, GPs etc. They can also provide training to parents.