Coram IAC Launch Conference – 2 October 2023
From CASA member, Coram IAC:

Coram IAC is celebrating our joining of the Coram group of charities as well as honouring Black History Month through this groundbreaking online Conference on Monday 2 October 2023 from 10:00 – 16:30.
We are so pleased to invite you to join us for a day of listening, learning and working towards change.
Neurodiversity in adopted, looked after and kinship care experienced children from the global majority: An intersectional approach
In meeting the needs of neurodivergent adopted and looked after children from the global majority, it is essential to adopt an intersectional approach that recognises and addresses the complex interplay between developmental trauma, race, and neurodiversity. By doing so, we can accurately identify and diagnose early challenges, enabling the establishment of robust support structures throughout their educational and emotional health journey.
With an incredible lineup of speakers our Conference will create a space for reflecting on diversity, inclusion, and identity in neurodivergent adopted, looked after and kinship care children from the global majority.
Objectives of the day:
- Recognise and address the intersection of developmental trauma, race, and neurodiversity in order to ensure accurate early identification, diagnosis and early support;
- Uncovering barriers to learning and growth
- Understanding the unique challenges that developmentally traumatized children from the global majority may encounter;
- Education on what neurodiversity is and what different terminology means;
- Navigating systems and processes to advocate for vulnerable children ;
- Recognising Amplified Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) through Neurodiversity and Race;
- Education in the Overlap between Neurodivergence and Mental Health.